Graphic & Web Design
Graphic Design
Web Design
One More Honest Shop
One More Honest Shop is a website that was created for my bachelor thesis for the capstone festival at CSU Monterey Bay. The idea behind the website was that there are two car repair shop owners that I knew who told me about their problems finding good mechanics to hire and in general finding reliable repair shops that give you what you paid for and have a good atmosphere. So I worked with them to create a website where car owners can search for a repair shop by zipcode, car model, and services needed. As of right now, it is a functional website (you can go to with placeholder data that will soon have repair shops that can be searched for and will hopefully expand outside of the SF Bay Area.
No longer in use.
School of Computing and Design Capstone Festival
While in my last year of my bachelors degree, I worked at the School of Computing Design department at CSUMB. While I was there, I was asked to create a website for the capstone festival (that showcases the bachelor theses for Communication Design and Computer Science). Usually a web design student would create it for their thesis, however this year they wanted to do something different. So with the help of the department, I created a website from scratch that shows every capstone for that semester. I also created a system to archive previous semesters’ projects so that they can be looked at later on. All of the information on the students and projects for each semester can be uploaded into a database that then displays the information in a pre-designed layout. The idea that I had was to create a way for graduating students to use this site as a way to network and something to show potential employers. Each project lists the students’ name(s), LinkedIn page, Github, email, and photo.