Interaction Design


World Disease Simulator

In a multidisciplinary team of interaction designers and computer scientists, a prototype in Unreal Engine was created for a world disease simulator to show how diseases in history have spread and to show how vaccines and antibiotics help fight these diseases.

The first thing that my team did once established was start with a gamestorming method called post-up to create idea generation. We discussed all of the ideas that the team thought up and completed multiple rounds of individual voting to get to a point where we all agreed on a topic and a back-up game. The idea that we came up with was a bacteria simulator that would later evolve into a world disease simulator.

Once we had our idea set, we created an NABC and talked about how we wanted to educate people with our game as well as make it fun in a visual and interactive way. We also did research on current games that are similar to what we wanted to create so that we had an idea of where to go and what we would want to do differently. Then we did a gamestorming method called Atomize which helped us expand our idea and make it more concrete. We explored all of the options available under a bacteria simulator and settled on a macro scale idea of a world disease simulator. Next we created user profiles, personas, and scenarios.

We decided that our main users would be children in schools or museums and teachers/staff in those locations. After creating all of that, we used the RETAIN model as a conceptual model to assess how fit game-based learning is as an educational supplement. The idea of the RETAIN model is to assess a learning tool against: Relevance, Embedding (how well learning content is integrated into gameplay), Transfer (of information to the user), Adoption (how it builds on previous knowledge), Immersion, and Naturalization (how well the game teaches skills and builds upon them). We then continued our research and met with a history professor to see what content he believed to be most relevant for an educational supplement about the history of diseases.

We decided that even though most of the team had almost no experience in VR before, we wanted to create a paper prototype. It was difficult at first because we had not worked in VR before, let alone designed for VR, but it was a challenge that we wanted to try. So we created a paper prototype on a large sheet of paper that resembled a large TV screen that was interactive. Before we could test though, we met with a VR expert in Oslo, and based on feedback from him, we scrapped our paper prototype and redesigned it more like interior designers where you could walk around it.

We conducted testing on our paper protoype at the same time as the computer scientists started the basic development of the game in Unreal. Based on the feedback from the testing, the computer scientists modified their plan for Unreal and ended up creating two rooms for the two different modes of the game and globes at the center where the main interactions would take place.

This class was based on learning how to work in effective teams and be an effective team member, not a team leader. I ended up taking a leading role in my interdisciplinary group, but I learned how to always check to make sure that everyone is talking and feels like they are a part of the team. Another important thing that I learned was how to communicate interaction design methods to those who do not use them and may not believe in them.



Through research, personas, scenarios, collaborative workshops, prototyping, and testing, a medium fidelity prototype of a bathroom scale focused on families with growing children was created.


Drone Website

By conducting research, interviewing relevant potential customers, creating scenarios, card sorting, and wireframing, a website for drone enthusiasts, researchers and educators was created to find and share information, projects, and more.


The Memory Tile Game

After a trip to an elderly care facility and field research, a memory tile game was created to get seniors moving, cognitively involved, and find a fun way to interact and play with young children and family members who come to visit.


Redesign of E-Learning Platform

After a heuristic evaluation of NTNUs current e-learning platform, a redesign was completed to focus on reducing cognitive load and increasing ease of submitting assignments among other things.